Centralized Signature

The easiest way to sign with digital certificate
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What is a centralized signature?

Centralized signature is specially designed for internal company users who need to sign from any device a large number of documents using a digital certificate from any device.

Centralized digital signature ensures secure custody of cryptographic keys on HSM servers and, if required by the signatory, qualified signatures can be generated through a European Qualified Trust Service Provider.


Find out how the centralized signature can transform your organization


How does centralized signature work?

The centralized signing process in 3 simple steps:
1. Authentication
The user simply accesses the application and signs in with their credentials.
Centralized signature
Centralized signature process
2. Review pending documents
From the administration panel, review the documents that are awaiting signatures. You can sign them one by one or select multiple files to sign in bulk.
3. Sign the document with a digital certificate
To sign the document, select the certificate you want to sign and enter your PIN code.
Sign documents with the centralized signature

Issuance of qualified electronic certificates of electronic signature

These certificates are issued to natural persons who may be linked to a legal entity. A proof of identity of the holder is required in person or by video identification. The certificates issued are integrated into our centralized signature channel and allow for advanced or qualified signatures according to the configuration.
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Internal company users
Sign from any device
Secure access and passwordless management with VIDwallet
Qualified signature
Secure key storage and HSM certification
Supports signing documents in batches

Examples of use of centralized signature

Health Sector
Electronic prescriptions, medical documentation in hospitals, clinics, and home visits.
Sales contracts, opening of accounts, financing agreements (loan/lease), rental and loan agreements.
Human Resources
Documentation of internal rules, employment contracts, ERTES, teleworking agreements, or any type of labor documentation.
Public Administration
Administrative inspections, social services,...
Payment approvals, signing of delivery notes and invoices, as well as other documents.
Banking and Insurance
Immediate closure of health questionnaires, insurance policies, legal protection agreements for personal data, SEPA mandates, among others.

Login with VIDwallet

Now, in addition to being able to access with your usual credentials, you have the possibility of logging in with VIDidentity, our decentralized digital identity solution. With the VIDwallet app, once you have created your wallet and your credential which is linked to your email, you can access it whenever you want just by scanning the QR code on the VIDsigner Centralized home page.

Thus, you will not have to remember your username and password. Access to the portal will be provided with maximum security with double authentication factor.

Try it! It's very simple, in just five steps we tell you how to create your wallet to access VIDsigner Centralized quickly and safely.

More information about VIDwallet

What security does centralized signature offer?

The European ElDAS regulation allows electronic signature mechanisms based on the storage of digital certificates by the trusted service provider.

VIDsigner provides a secure custody cloud service for keys hosted on Microsoft Azure certified HSMS (Key Vault) . Safety and simplicity finally together.

Why choose VIDsigner Centralized?

With the centralization of digital keys and certificates, the complexity of generating signatures is delegated to the service provider. The user simply has to authenticate to the service and sign the pending documents. This electronic signature allows you to sign documents from anywhere via an app from your smartphone/tablet devices or via a web page from your PC, laptop, or mobile device. 

Register and start improving the way you send documents to be signed in your company
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