About Validated ID

Validated ID was created in 2012 to offer a digital signature service with high legal robustness and ease of use. We brought our experience in different work areas with this goal in mind. We developed VIDsigner Bio, a handwritten electronic signature service on a tablet that is very easy to integrate and, above all, legally secure. Then we added services with the same goal: VIDsigner Remote to facilitate signing from smartphone to third parties, from anywhere, VIDsigner Centralized for registered users, and VIDsigner E-Delivery for reliable communications, among others.

As such, we have been adapting to customer needs at each moment and changing how we sign and share documents for thousands of organizations.Randstad Innovation Fund,Caixa Capital Risc, andCuatrecasashave participated as investors. We focus on providing secure identity solutions that enable a more digital and sustainable world by ensuring individuals' privacy, rights, and freedoms.

Key facts

+ 3 500
Customers in 46 countries
+ 320
+ 30 MM
Signatures made
Validated ID


Santi Casas - CEO
Santi Casas - CEO
Over 25 years of experience in the ICT sector driving pioneering initiatives. He is a regular speaker at seminars on digital identity, electronic signatures, electronic invoicing or electronic administration, and participates in various international standardization groups such as OpenID, OASIS, ETSI or CEN.
Ivan Basart - CTO
Ivan Basart - CTO
His professional career is specialized in cryptography, digital identity and digital signature services. He is currently in charge of the technical evolution of our digital signature service VIDsigner and the construction of our digital identity service (SSI), VIDidentity. He also participates in forums related to sovereign identity, such as DIF and RWOT.
Jaume Fuentes - CSO
Jaume Fuentes - CSO
25 years developing ICT business nationally and internationally in the main Spanish consultancies. He holds an undergraduate degree in Business Administration from the University of Barcelona, and is enthusiast of process improvement through information technology and the internationalization of companies.
Fernando Pino - CLO
Fernando Pino - CLO
He holds an undergraduate degree in Law and a master degree in Information Technology and Law, he has developed his specialization in cryptography and computer security and has participated in the planning and development of numerous national and international security projects. A specialist in PKI technologies and CISA Auditor.

Our Values

We are committed to our principles and our mission to help organizations take control of their processes and digital identity.
We help empower individuals and organizations to achieve results.
We work with empathy because we know that great achievements are the result of many individuals.
We provide environments where we can develop ourselves clearly and confidently.
Because we know that no two people are the same, we take into account that each organization has the solution that works best for them.
Making our services easy to use is a must for any project.
We hold ourselves accountable for our commitments and provide others peace of mind to achieve theirs.

International presence

Validated ID is headquartered in Barcelona and has a network of offices in Madrid, Paris, London and Berlin, as well as a network of international partners helping customers in Europe, the United States, LATAM, the Middle East, Asia and Africa.

We help the planet and communities to develop

We help organizations to work better and reduce their environmental impact. Teams are happier and so is nature.

The Zero Paper Challenge

1 tree produces 8,500 sheets of paper
1 person uses 130 kg of paper in 1 year = 7 trees
Validated ID's Zero Paper Challenge is part of our commitment to reduce our environmental impact and raise global awareness of more efficient ways to work for all.

Do great things and share them

We are committed to building long-lasting relationships with people that help improve society.
We work with Sustainable Forests by planting trees each year on behalf of
each of our partners to recover the landscape and restore native forests.
We support Banco de Alimentos de Argentina by donating electronic signatures to streamline processes and ensure that food is delivered in less time.
We help Dentists on Wheels with our partner CRItic eliminating the need
for paper for their patients. This NGO strives to bring oral hygiene to the
most disadvantaged people in order to improve their health.
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