• The project is based on four use cases: notarization, diplomas, Sovereign Identity and Confidence data exchange. By being interconnected, the citizen may have access to any of these different services depending on their needs.
  • The goal is to make Sovereign Identity part of the legal framework that allows the use of digital identity, thus making all digital identity systems interoperable at the European level.
This collective initiative which forms part of EBSI project (The European Blockchain Services Infrastructure) is moving forward with the goal that in 2022, Europe has its sovereign ID based on blockchain. Thanks to this, each citizen can have power over their data and can collect them all (identity, driving license, studies, health or financial) in one digital wallet.

EBSI is the network of the European Commission and 30 countries to deliver EU-wide cross-border public services using blockchain technology. With it, citizens can access administrative services and documents from any country in the region. This collective initiative of the European Commission and the European Blockchain Association (EBP) seeks to materialize as a network of nodes distributed throughout Europe, taking advantage of an increasing number of applications focused on specific use cases.

Sovereign Digital Identity

The fact that identity is decentralized implies a significant change of the current model, in which the user had very little control over their own identity.

In the new concept, the citizen is sovereign of his identity and decides on what information he wants to share and with whom, being able to associate countless attributes and may consume by public and private organizations. Blockchain technology was design to favour these types of environments, and today its use is essential.

Therefore, Validated ID, works so that citizens and users can regain control over their data, which serve as their identity. As well as control who has access to any specific information, what part of your information is shared, and most importantly, cancel access when desired.

VIDidentity digital wallet

The VIDidentity (previously VIDchain) project is based on adding different sources of identity in a wallet of identity attributes. In this way, the user can complete his “identity wallet” with very varied attributes and with different degrees of confidence depending on the origin of the information and the means of authentication used, from relatively unreliable sources such as social networks to robust systems such as biometrics, official identification systems (DNIe and other electronic identity documents) or even face-to-face identification.

Among the advantages when using a digital wallet, the following stand out:

  • Reduction of management costs and verification of credentials (both educational, identity, membership, and health, among others)
  • Improve trust
  • Boosting interoperability between member countries (cross-border)
  • Align with the GDPR: Own your data
  • Privacy improvement
  • Improved User Experience (compared to current digital certificates

Diplomas. Management of the use of education credentials

Within the different uses that citizens can make of their digital wallet, we are specifically working on the educational aspect of diplomas: Returning control to citizens when they use their education credentials; through this project, the verification costs significantly reduced, and the confidence and proof of authenticity of their credentials are improved.  

- Santi Casas CEO of Validated ID

The solution to verify digital identities and attributes, acting in compliance with GDPR and with an impact on customer onboarding processes, KYC and AML was awarded the first position in the accelerator of Cuatrecasas and Telefónica as well as get the first position in the Alastria Open Call Catalonia project competition, the leading blockchain consortium in Spain.

To understand better our solution watch the video

VIDidentity , building the digital identity of tomorrow

Validated ID Team