
Descentralized Identity and
Self-Managed Verifiable Credentials


Own your identity

With VIDidentity, we offer secure identity solutions that guarantee people's privacy, rights, and freedoms and promote a more digital and sustainable world.  

VIDidentity provides a unified, interoperable, and tamper-proof infrastructure with crucial benefits for businesses, users, and IoT management systems.  

With VIDidentity, we create and manage decentralized digital self-sovereign identities (SSI) and credentials. These credentials have the information structured and broken down as attributes so that automated services can use them.

View the full VIDientity
architecture overview

We can identify three main actors in an SSI model

The person who owns and manages their digital identity and identity attributes.
The recognized entity that certifies with its signature the subject's identity and attributes.
The entity or service portal that requires the user to identify and verify attributes.

VIDidentity components for a secure, decentralized identity ecosystem

A mobile app application for end-user to manage and store their key material, identifier and personal data in form of verifiable credentials.
Go to VIDwallet
A tool to manage the credentials lifecycle: creating, issuing, and revoking credentials.
Go to VIDcredentials
VIDconnect provides an OpenID Connect implementation for exchanging credentials.
Go to VIDconnect

Find out how VIDidentity works

Building tomorrow's digital identity

VIDidentity main features

Advantages of using VIDidentity as an SSI services provider
  • Users are in complete control over their identity data.  
  •  Our services are fully GDPR-compliant.
  • Flexibility by being fully ledger agnostic. Our services can operate with or without DL or blockchain.
  • Integrated with several DLTs such as EBSI, Alastria, Dalion, Ethereum,...
  • Passwordless authentication flow.
  • Can be integrated and used on different platforms such as web, web app, or mobile app.
  • Aims to be aligned with SSI-related standards.  
  • Services to issue, manage, present and revoke credentials.
  • Binds identities to verifiable credentials.  
  • Can transform an X509 certificate into a verifiable credential.  
  • Users can create credentials based on different sources: national ID, passport, certificates, email, phone number, etc.


Fast and trustworthy
VIDidentity allows our identity to be instantly auditable and verifiable. Any user of this technology will be able to select the personal information they want and control what happens with that information exchange.
Flexible and agile
VIDidentity works with other SSI solutions around the world. Its principle of open standards and interoperability simplifies credential sharing and builds the chain of trust from wallet to wallet and with enterprise systems.
Private and secure
VIDidentity handles the infrastructure and security without exposing any data used to generate credentials. All business actions and processes are tamper-proof.




Validated ID is a qualified, trusted service provider under EU regulations.
is a decentralized self-sovereign digital identity service for processes involving identity verification, such as onboarding and KYC, in compliance with GDPR, eIDAS, PSD2, AML, and anti-fraud policies, with the possibility to include blockchains and DLTs in these services. An innovative project to create intelligent and digital administration management.


We work with national and international partners, such as EBSI, DIF , Alastria, ToIP, Dalion, Velocity Network, LACChain, INATBA, EBSI  to establish an open, decentralized identity ecosystem accessible to everyone.

We help you design the digital identity project for your company